Wholly Crap!

Not since I drolled exstatic over the Bonadeo have I been as pleased as I am with the Chaos skiffs. These two boat builders get it right. So many small fishing boats lack the design, fit and finish seen in offshore battlewagons, sailboats and recreational crafts. I have a Roth, it has polish, thought and class - now skiffs, bayboats and flat boats have always been bottom of the barrel (what is up with that "flecked" material in Carolina Skiffs? "We Build Trash Right into Our Hulls!"") - and I love the bottom of the barrel. I miss my rotting aluminum skiff that my friend found in the woods, and when I say "miss", I mean "remember". But why not be at the top of the class, in your class. Chaos has done that from a design persepctive.