Friday, March 23, 2007

Wholly Crap!

Not since I drolled exstatic over the Bonadeo have I been as pleased as I am with the Chaos skiffs. These two boat builders get it right. So many small fishing boats lack the design, fit and finish seen in offshore battlewagons, sailboats and recreational crafts. I have a Roth, it has polish, thought and class - now skiffs, bayboats and flat boats have always been bottom of the barrel (what is up with that "flecked" material in Carolina Skiffs? "We Build Trash Right into Our Hulls!"") - and I love the bottom of the barrel. I miss my rotting aluminum skiff that my friend found in the woods, and when I say "miss", I mean "remember". But why not be at the top of the class, in your class. Chaos has done that from a design persepctive.


Palm Beach Boat Show

I am returning from Palm Beach, specifically from the boat show, which is built completely on temporary docks and rafts. Palm Beach Boat Show reminds me of Newport or the Wooden Boat Show - somewhat intimate, classy and calm. There are a number of large yachts, but the average boat is probably in the 40 foot range. We are seeing more and more fractional yacht firms and traditional brokers and manufacturers offering fractional options. I also saw some pretty women, ate some good food and found free internet via the nearby library's wifi. If you are in South Florida, the show runs through the weekend and is worth a visit, the weather outlook is good.

The Palm Beach Boat Show


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Smoke on the Water

It is so cold here in New England the ocean is warming to the point of steaming - Smoke on the Water. I am taking a plane or a ferry across these waters today and I am contemplating life rafts. The dark side of hyrda-recreation is the danger, the danger is also a draw, I love the danger side of adventure. However, when danger presents itself, I discover that actually, I only like the idea of danger. Therefore, let's be prepared by updating, securing and installing all the safety equipment this spring aboard our sailboats, motorboats, surfboards and barges. Here is a good place to start.
